
Mobile Solutions

With our dispatch mobile application, you can quickly and easily create your vehicle loading slips and carry out the shipping process in a very comfortable way. With its easy-to-use interface, you can find the vehicle loading slip you want and switch to it. By viewing the items in the receipts and the pallets of these items, you can easily delete the incorrectly loaded pallets or the pallets you want to be deleted. In this product, which works integrated with Arvento-style applications. According to the instant traffic situation, you can see the 2D and 3D loading images of the vehicle, as well as the information of when the vehicle will unload all the loads according to the root plan and return to the factory again.

With our Bobin handheld terminal application, which can work completely offline, you can work even if you do not have an internet connection during the process, and you can synchronize with the server when there is internet access. With the coil handheld terminal application, you can accept coil stock, carry out the processes of sending the coils to production from the warehouse and returning them to the warehouse. You can create a new coil record by cutting the coil or return it to the supplier. You can change the halls of the coils very easily, and you can perform the counts of your warehouses quickly and effectively.

Our Safiha Karton handheld terminal mobile application allows you to effectively manage your Safiha and Karton stock, allowing you to track stock instantly and with high accuracy. Our Safiha&Karton application can run on Android-based handheld terminals. With these hand terminals, communication with the server can be established over the GSM line without the need for cabling and other network devices and saves the business from a great expense. With the application, you can make your sheets and cartons go into production, and you can get returns from the pallets that have been produced. With the reservations you make for orders other than your sheet and cardboard stocks, you can also perform all production outputs and returns. You can create a return waybill for your sheet and cardboard stocks to be returned. With the counting module, you can update your stocks by counting them in the periods you want and keep your stocks up to date on a regular basis.


With our auxiliary material mobile application, you can easily manage auxiliary materials, which is a difficult process to follow and manage. It can easily be recorded for what purpose the auxiliary materials are sent to which unit. Counting processes can be performed quickly and effectively, and records and tracking of materials in warehouses can be performed with high accuracy. Our Auxiliary Material application can run on Android-based handheld terminals. With these hand terminals, it is possible to communicate with the server over the GSM line without the need for cabling and other network devices, and saves the business from a great expense. Recording and tracking of materials in warehouses can be performed with high accuracy.

With our mobile costing system, you can quickly and easily create costs from anywhere you want through our mobile application from your mobile phone. Our system, which can be used by sales representatives with the authorization system and can only make offers to the customers under their responsibility, not only can work in environments where there is no internet, thanks to its offline structure, but also provides a very fast calculation of the result. It allows the most detailed cost calculations to be made by adding cost items as desired. It can work in integration with all ERP systems, as well as for businesses that do not use ERP and only need a cost module, there is also a Web system where management processes can be made from the Web environment.

●The system works with instant connection over the existing database in real terms.
●The order watch list is actively running on the web.
●The reports requested from the available reports for each customer are authorized and shown to the customer.
●With the admin user login, more than one user with admin authority can be opened in order to manage the system.
 ●The vendor identification and vendor control system opens on the panel to introduce the salespeople, and you can define as many vendors as you want here.
● Since the structure to be installed has the RESPONSIVE feature, it works effectively both on the web side and on IOS and Android phones.
● With the order tracking list, the customer can track all their open and closed orders from the order tracking screens installed on the web.
● Customers can also follow their own reports within the framework of authorization.
● Your customers can enter their orders into the system by calling their registered product cards through the entire web module.
● With the vendor authorization system, the sales personnel in your company can instantly access the reporting information of their customers only.
● Upon request, all orders entered via the web are automatically transferred to the ERP, where they are costed in about 1 second and instant feedback is given to the customer. If the customer accepts the price and deadline information, the order is confirmed over the web and this flow is instantly monitored in the Win-Oluklu web order tracking pool. Here, the order is opened in the automatic system with the approval of the authorized person and the next process is followed routinely. The information that the order that the customer has approved has been approved in the system and the production process has been started is automatically sent to him via the web. This structure can optionally be followed from mobile phones via message.
● The reports (linked, current statement, balance list and collection list) defined on the web system will be made specifically for you. For customers to be connected to the system, user information is opened and password is given. (For this study, necessary study support for data should be obtained from Link company)
Working Group II (Customer Web Tracking System)
